Blocked Ears After Diving – How To Effectively Stop It!

Scuba diving is an ideal way to explore the aquatic haven. However, as amazing as it can be, there is a drawback after the activity. Most people’s ears will be blocked by water after they get out of the water.

Although diving is frequently the cause, any exposure to water can result in the water becoming stuck in your ear canal. If this occurs, you may experience a tickling feeling in your ear. This sensation may spread to your jawbone and your throat. You may also be unable to hear well or hear only muffled sounds.

Tried-and-True Methods for Clearing Blocked Ears After Diving


Typically, the water drains on its own. If it doesn’t, the retained water may result in an ear infection. Swimmer’s ear is a type of ear ailment that occurs in the external ear canal of your exterior ear. 

It’s not tough to get the moisture out of your ear on your own. There are easy strategies for getting rid of it.

✔️Tug your Earlobe

The foremost approach may immediately shake the water out of your ear. Gently jiggle your earlobes while leaning your head downward toward your shoulder. While in this stance, you may also attempt flinging your head from side to side.

✔️Allow Gravity to do the Work

Gravity should assist in draining the water from your ear with this strategy. For a little while, lie on your side with your head on a cloth to soak up. The water may gradually deplete from your ear.

✔️Make a Vacuum

This procedure will generate a vacuum that may suck the water out. You may form a tight seal by tipping your head sidewards and relaxing your ear on your cupped palm. Then, in fast action, softly press your palm back and forth to your ear, compressing it as you move and cupping it as you draw out. Lean your head down to allow the water to dampen.

✔️Utilize a Blow Dryer

The warmth from a blow dryer can aid in the dissipation of water from your ear canal. Put your blow dryer to the softest phase. Reposition the hairdryer in a back-and-forth movement about 12 inches away from your ear. Allow warm air to enter your ear while pulling on your earlobe.

✔️Drops with Alcohol and Vinegar

Alcohol can aid in the dissipation of water in your ear. It also serves to block the growth of germs, which can aid in the prevention of illness. If the blocked water is caused by earwax accumulation, the vinegar may aid in its removal.

✔️To produce eardrops, mix an equal mix of alcohol and vinegar

Put four or five drops of this solution into your ear with a clean dropper. Massage the outside of your ear softly. Pause for about 35 seconds before leaning your head sideways to allow the solution to depleting.

If you have an ear ailment, do not use this procedure.

✔️Make Use of Hydrogen Peroxide Drops

Hydrogen peroxide remedies can aid in the removal of dirt and earwax that may be clogging your ear. Eardrops that utilize a combination of urea and hydrogen peroxide, known as carbamide peroxide, to clear earwax may be found on the internet.

Avoid utilizing this method if you have ear infections.

✔️Consider using Olive Oil

Olive oil may also be utilized to keep water out of your ears and dodge infection. Warm-up some olive oil in a small dish. To assess the temperature, apply a few drops to your inner wrist. Put a few drops of the oil into the troubled ear with a sterile dropper. For about 10 minutes, lie on your other side, then sit up and lean your ear downward. Both the water and the oil should deplete.

✔️Try with Added Water

This method may appear odd, but it can help drain water out of your ear. Lie on your side and use a clean dropper to fill the afflicted ear with water. Wait 5 seconds before turning over with the afflicted ear down. The water should drain completely.

✔️Use Over-the-Counter Medicine

There are also a variety of over-the-counter eardrops available. Most are alcohol-based and can aid in lowering dampness in the outer ear canal while also killing germs and removing earwax and debris.

✔️Try Yawning or Chewing

When water becomes entrapped in your ear’s tubes, moving your mouth might occasionally assist to open them. To ease tension in your ear’s tubes, yawn or chew gum.

✔️Make use of Steam

Warm smoke can help in the outflow of water from your central ear via your eustachian tubes. Take a warm bath or make a tiny sauna with a basin of warm water.

Fill a big basin halfway with scorching hot water. To maintain the steam in, protect your head with a cloth and place your face over the basin. Breathe in the smoke for six to nine minutes, then lean your head to the side to allow the steam to empty your ear.

✔️See a Doctor

Without remedy, trapped water generally evaporates. If it concerns you, try one of these home treatments to assist ease your discomfort. However, if the water remains stuck after 2 to 3 days or if you exhibit indications of illness, you should see your doctor.

You could have an ear infection if your ear gets inflamed or bulging. If you don’t seek treatment for an ear infection, it might grow worse.

Ways to Avoid Clogged Ears

Swimmer’s ear is caused by germs that thrive in a damp environment. Germs cannot develop in your ears if they are dry. A swimmer’s ear is a contamination of the outer ear that happens when contaminated water remains in the ear for an extended length of time. When not properly cared for, this can happen after any aquatic activity.

It’s a typical infection that may be very distressing, but it can be avoided.

❕ Maintain Clean and Dry Ears

After diving or bathing, carefully dry each ear canal. To begin, tilt your head to the side until all of the water drains from your ear, then do it on the other side. If required, gently dry the ear canal with a hairdryer set to the coldest setting.

Some doctors recommend placing a drop of rubbing alcohol mixed with a drop of vinegar in your ears after diving or any water activity to dry up the ear, especially if you have a history of swimmer’s ear.

However, if you do this too frequently and the skin within your ear canal becomes cracked, you are more likely to have an infection. Before attempting this or any other home treatment, always confer with your healthcare expert.

❕ Maintain Adequate Ear Wax Hygiene

Ear wax is essential in avoiding ear infections. Ear wax that is too much or too little might create issues. Improper cleaning procedures, such as ear candling, can cause damage to the ear canal and make it more susceptible to infection. Furthermore, ear wax repels water.

❕ While Diving, Use Earplugs

Swimmer’s ear can be avoided by using ear plugs that control water out of the ears while diving. Pliable earplugs may be obtained at several stores or certain healthcare providers’ offices. Simply ensure you obtain earplugs that fit correctly and are made to keep water out of your ear.

❕ Take Excellent Care of Your Skin

The quality of the skin inside of the ear canal is extremely important in avoiding a swimmer’s ear. Damaged, flaky, or otherwise compromised skin is ripe for infection.

❕ Try Using Ear Drops

To help avoid the swimmer’s ear, there are a few eardrops you may apply. However, if you fear you have a burst eardrum, completely avoid anything in your ears and seek medical attention as soon as feasible. If you have synthetic ear tubes or have recently had ear surgery, you should avoid using ear drops.

It is advisable to apply ear drops with the assistance of another person. Position yourself on each side so that your ear is facing up. Allow them to gently pull your ear out and up to straighten up the ear canal, then insert a few drops. Continue to lie on your side for a few moments after the drops have been applied to ensure that they have been absorbed.

Correct Ways to Clean Your Ears

Excess wax can build up and make hearing tricky. At the same time, you’ve undoubtedly heard that utilizing cotton swabs to withdraw wax isn’t a good idea. It is time to properly clean your ears in the safest ways possible.

➖Make use of Warm Water

Warm water helps soften earwax since it is water-soluble. You may do this in the bath with warm water. Turn your head to one side and pour four drops of water into your ear canal, then lean the opposite way so the water drains. 

You don’t want moisture spraying into your ear if you get too near to the showerhead. You may use a moist washcloth in the bath by squeezing it and causing water to flow into your ear canal.

➖Make use of Saline Solution

A tiny portion of saline in the water might sometimes aid to eliminate earwax. Instead of using bottled saline, build your own mixture. In a half-glass of warm water, disintegrate a teaspoon of salt. 

Immerse a cotton ball in the saline solution, lean your head, and then drip the saltwater into your ear using the wet cotton. Allow the water to rest in your ear for a few minutes before leaning your head in the other way to drain the saline. Repeat this for each ear.

➖Make use of Hydrogen Peroxide

Earwax can also be softened utilizing hydrogen peroxide. You’ll want to use the three percent hydrogen peroxide. Load a basin halfway with hot water and use it to reheat the bottle. 

Warming the hydrogen peroxide in a microwave is not recommended since the high heat can convert it to simple water. If you do not wish to use the hydrogen peroxide directly, mix it 50-50 with warm water. 

Once the mixture has gained a comfortable temperature, place it in your ear with an ear dropper or cotton ball and move as indicated above.

➖Make use of Oil Softener

Earwax can be soothed utilizing baby oil and olive oil. Place the bottle in a basin of warm water to warm up the oil. 

When the oil has acquired a suitable temperature, place three or four drops in each ear with an ear dropper. Use cotton balls to intercept the oil from spilling out if you want to treat both ears at once. 

After about 12 minutes, lean your head back to allow the oil to drain. Clear any excess oil from your external ear with a washcloth or cotton ball.

Indications if You Need Professional Ear Cleaning

The ears are incredible organs that not only allow us to hear but also have an amazing self-cleaning system. The great majority of the time, the ears will clean themselves without issue. 

However, wax accumulation can occur at times, and if you see indications of extensive earwax, you may benefit from expert ear cleaning.

❗You have Blocked Ears

If you get the sensation that your ears are clogged or obstructed, this might be due to an accumulation of earwax within the ear. Wax serves an important part in keeping the ears clean, but too much wax can create difficulties. 

Blocked ears may be associated with the excessive wax formation or an accumulation, which a hearing care expert may remove using professional cleaning procedures.

❗You Experience Ear Pain

Ear pain can be caused by infections, although it is most commonly caused by excessive earwax. If you get too much wax in your ears, the cleaning mechanisms may struggle to remove it, causing the wax to solidify. 

You may suffer pain and discomfort if you have a buildup of hard wax within your ear that presses against the nerves.

❗You have Dark Earwax

We’ve all cleaned our ears, and we’re all familiar with the yellow tint of wax. If the wax coming out of your ears seems darker than usual, for example, with a brown tint, this may suggest that there is more material in the ears, and a hearing expert may prescribe professional ear cleaning.

❗Your Hearing is Lost

People lose their hearing for a variety of causes. A hearing health expert will frequently wish to rule out underlying problems that can be addressed to potentially enhance hearing in the early stages. 

You may notice that having your ears properly cleaned enhances your hearing. If you see any indicators of hearing loss, whether they appear gradually or suddenly, you should see a hearing care practitioner as soon as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do you get your ear unclogged after diving?

A: There are several methods for getting rid of it. You can assist yourself in swallowing by sucking on lollipops or chewing gum.

Q: How long does it take for an ear to get blocked?

A: Ears that have been blocked due to water or air pressure can be cleared rapidly. Infections and earwax accumulation can last for up to a week.

Q: Why am I unable to clean my ears when diving?

A: When the agony in your ears begins, you’ve plummeted to 10 feet. You will never be able to equalize them, no matter what you try.

Q: Will a clogged ear unclog on its own?

A: In virtually all circumstances, your obstruction will resolve itself within a few days. However, the general rule of thumb is that if symptoms linger for more than a week or so, it may be a good idea to seek medical attention.

Q: What is the best way to produce a warm compress for my ear?

A: It is simple to make a warm compress. Simply immerse a washcloth in warm water, rinse it out, fold it, and apply it to the afflicted ear for 10 to 15 minutes.

Q: How Can Olive Oil Help Your Ears?

A: Warm olive oil can be used to help break up earwax that has solidified and become lodged in the ear canal. The oil softens the earwax, making it simpler to remove from the canal.

Q: What method do you use to drain your ear?

A: Close your lips, hold your nose, and softly blow your nose as if you were blowing it. Yawning and chewing gum may also be beneficial. When the tubes open to equalize the pressure between the inside and outside of your ears, you may hear or feel a “pop.”

Final Thoughts

You may clean your plugged ears effectively and securely in the comfort of your own home using a variety of methods. These strategies can assist you in putting an end to your misery. Although your ears have an efficient self-cleaning system, more rigorous and precise treatments are occasionally necessary. 

It is critical to understand when to seek the advice of a professional. There are certain warning indicators to check for if your ears aren’t acting normally.